Doctor Nature Dead Sea Products

Doctor Nature cosmetics are based around the salts and minerals found in the Dead Sea, that marvel of nature found at 400 metres below sea level!

“The Dead Sea is one of nature’s rarest phenomena”
J. Finkel

The Dead Sea is the most salt-rich body of water and the largest source of minerals in the world. Millennia-old underground lakes, hot springs and mountain streams combined with the River Jordan brought salts and minerals washed from rocks, sands and soil into the Dead Sea. The water gradually evaporated over the hot, sunny years and the accumulation of salts led, unsurprisingly, to a concentration in the Dead Sea ten times higher than any other sea or ocean in the world. While this was happening a hundred metre-thick layer of sediment formed on the Sea floor and the desert lay all around, shielding the pristine waters from corporate industry.

The Dead Sea’s waters and muds boast a mineral composition unrivalled in the rest of the world, containing the world’s largest concentration of magnesium, calcium and potassium compared with any other body of water – oceans included. They contain 26 active minerals – mainly magnesium, calcium, bromine, sodium, chlorine, as well as a range of microelements (strontium, iodine, zinc, sulphur, etc.). Many of these minerals already present in the human body, and are essential for cell metabolism and stabilizing their liquid content.
